Cleveland MOTTEP
Cleveland MOTTEP is Ohio’s only organization that offers community-based, culturally specific transplant, health and prevention education exclusively to the minority community.
What is Cleveland MOTTEP?
Cleveland MOTTEP is the Cleveland Minority Organ and Tissue Transplant Education Program. Cleveland MOTTEP is affiliated with The Centers for Dialysis Care Inc. (CDC) and housed at CDC East. The CDC and The Rosenberg Foundation make it possible for Cleveland MOTTEP to perform its mission and continue to educate the community.
Why is there a Cleveland MOTTEP?
Cleveland MOTTEP exists to specifically educate the Greater Cleveland minority community about the need for organ, eye and tissue donations. Minorities are disproportionately affected by hypertension and diabetes – the leading causes of kidney failure. Therefore, Cleveland MOTTEP simultaneously educates communities about the diseases and behaviors that lead to the need for transplantation.
Did you know…?
Every 10 minutes, a new name is added to the national transplant waiting list.
1 of 3 people in Northeast Ohio awaiting a kidney transplant are African American.
Minorities wait 2-4 times longer for transplants than their counterparts.
Nearly 120,000 people are waiting for transplants and in Northeast Ohio 1,800 people are waiting for a life-saving organ transplant.
Cleveland MOTTEP is designed to:
- Educate communities on facts about organ, eye and tissue transplantation;
- Increase participation in organ/tissue transplant endeavors including signing organ donor cards;
- Encourage and increase family discussions related to organ, eye and tissue donation;
- Increase the number of minorities who donate organs, eyes and tissues.
To learn more about Cleveland MOTTEP: visit or if you wish to become a volunteer at Cleveland MOTTEP call Linda D. Kimble @ 216-216-229-6170 x137